Soal Dan Tanggapan Ulangan 2 Bahasa Inggris Sma Kelas 1(Part 1)

Soal dan Jawaban Ulangan 2 Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengan Atas Kelas 1(Part 1)

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Lihat juga Soal dan Jawaban Ulangan 2 Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengan Atas Kelas 1(Part 2)

I. Pilihlah satu balasan yang paling benar

1. The doesn't like cigarettes. The smell . . . her a headache.

A make         C. makes        E. are making

B. do make D. have made

2. I want to see you tomorrow. What ... at eleven o'clock?

A would you do            D. had you done

B. have you done          E. will you be doing

C. are you going to do

3. lmet Hadi thisimoming when l ... for the bus.

A wait                              waiting           E. was waiting

B. waited                             D. has waited

4. By the end of this week, she will finished writing the English book. It means 

A she has finished writing the English book

B. she may have finished writing the English book

C. she was writing the English book 

D. she will not finish writing the English book

E. she hasn't finished writing the English book and is going to finish writing

it this week

5. We . . . to be careful to cross the street.

M A ought                     C. should             E. could

C B. might                     D. would 

6. Paula is able to finish her English task at home.

We can say : ‘Paula . . . finish her English task at home.

A must            C. may           E. might

B. will               D. can

7. “Andri missed the train.” He  earlier.

A can leave             C. must have left           E. will be leaving

B. must leave .        D. should have left

8. It is not necessary for you to go it means 

A you mustn't go              C. you must go             E. you needn't go

B. you shouldn't               D. you may not go

9. X : Can you join us to go to Bukit lndah for camping tomorrow?

     Y : . . . weatherto join or not. There is no body at home.

A I'm sure I can                       C. I can't decide             E. Trust me

B. I believe I will join you       D. You don't believe me

Read the whole dialogue an choose the best word to complete the dialogue!

Adi : Where is your father, Tono?

Tono : He is at  (10)

Adi : ls he a teacher?

Tono 1 Yes he is. He…  (11)English.

Adi 2 Does she speak English with you in your home?

Tono : Yes, he . . . (12) speak English with me, so I am improve my

capability in English what's your father Adi?

Adi : He's the  …(13) of PT. Surya Company.

He runs the company very well.

Tono : l see does he have  …(14)

Adi : Sure her name is Andini

She types well and is trust worthy.

10. A the office          C. work .             E. canteen

        B. the bank         D. school 

11. A leams              C. teaches               E. lessone

      B. explain            D. studies

12. A never           C. sometime           E. always

B. seldom             D. ever

13. A director          C. typist           E. cleaning service

B.  specialist             D. telephone operator

14. A clerk        C. secretary          E. receptionist

      B. cashier            D. manager

15. Rendra : “I've to say that I cost my wallet in the Taman Safari.

Mamo : l'm …. to hear that '

A very sorry .           C. very rioe            E. surprised

B. very glad                D. disappointed

16. A : I never see you so nervous like this. What happens to you?

B : I have to do this complicated task, but I do not know where to start.

The underlined words expresses.

A dissatisfaction          C. uncertainty           E. possibility

B. incapability               D. disagreement

17. Bobby : Will you go to the movie with me tonight? 

Henny : l’d love to but-I don't think I can. There’s so much home work to do.

From the dialogue we know that Henny is 

A stating agreement          D. asking for permission 

B. giving opinion                 E. refusing the initiation

C. accepting an offer

18. Shopkeeper : ls there anything I can do for you?

Costumeri : I need a pair of butchery shoes

In the dialogue the shopkeeper want’s to ... help.

A ask            C. offer            E. refuse

D. get           D. accept

19. Ftini : How do you like our uniform, sir?

Teacher : Wonderful ….

A I really like it                    D. I am bit disappointed

B. I was sorry about it         E. I wondered about it

C. I am certain about it

20. Kiki usually sits next to Doni, but today he . . . next to Didi.

A sat          C. would sit        E. was sitting

B. has sat  D. is sitting






















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