Soal Dan Balasan Bahasa Inggris 2 Reading Text Umptn (Part 3)

 Whales are the largest animals on earth Soal dan Jawaban Bahasa Inggris 2 Reading text UMPTN (part 3)

Text  umptn 1998 rayon a
Whales are the largest animals on earth. Bigger than elephants, they may grow 95 feet long, and weigh 150 tons. A baby blue whale, just bom, can be 23 feet long and weigh 3 tons.
Although whales live in the oceans and swim like fish, they are not fish. They arc mammals, like cows and elephants. Unlike fish they bear young alive, not as eggs. Their babies live on their mother's milk. They breathe through their lungs and hold their breath when they go under water. If they cannot come to the surface to breathe fresh air, they will drown. They are warm-blooded. Fish, however, lay eggs, breath oxygen in the water, and are cold-blooded.
Whales live in all the oceans. In the winter some of them go to warm waters to breed and in the summer most of them go to cold waters to feed. There are two kinds of whales, whales with teeth (toothed whales) and whales without teeth (baleen whales). The toothed whales eat fish and squid, which they can catch with their teeth, although they swallow their food without chewing it. The baleen whales eat plankton (small sea animals and plants). When they find plankton, they open their mouths and swim into the plankton. When they close their mouths they squeeze out the water and swallow the plankton.
Whales have few enemies. Only human beings and the killer whales attack whales. And whales do not seem to fight among themselves. They usually live from 20 to 30 years.
31.     Umptn 1998 rayon a no. 66
The difference between whales and fish is that whales.
A.    Do not have to come to the surface to set fresh air
B.    Deliver their young like elephants do
C.    Will die if they cannot get oxygen in the water
D.    Are mammals that are cold blooded
E.    Can easily breathe when they are under water
32.     Umptn 1998 ravon a no. 67 a suitable title for the text is
A.    Large animals on earth
B.    Difference between whales and elephants
C.    Whales, the biggest animals on earth
D.    Similarity between fish and whaies
E.    The life of whales in the oceans
33.     Umptn 1998 rayon a no. 68
Which of the following is true about whales?
A.    Whales are generally 95 feet long and weigh 150 tons.
    B. Big animals living in the ocean tend to be their enemies.
C.    Like fish, whales can live in all kinds of waters.
D.   Their life span is usually longer than human beings'.
E.    A new-born baby whale may weight one-fiftieth of its mother.
34.     Umptn 1998 rayon a no. 69 whales occasionally live in warm waters
A. To get more food              D. For fresh air
B. For reproduction               E. To feed their babies
C.    To avoid winter
35.     Umptn 1998 rayon a no. 70
From the text we may conclude that
A.    A whale can eat both squid and plankton
B.   Toothed whales chew their food before swallowing it
C.    The two types of whales live in different waters
D.   Baleen whales swallow the water containing plankton
E.    Each type of whale eats a specific kind of food
Text 1 umptn 1998 rayon b
Because today's people are living longer than ever, more psychologists and social workers have begun to study ways of caregiving to improve care of the elderly. They have found that all caregivers share a common characteristic. They believe that they are the best persons for the job. For different reasons. One caregiver said that she had always been close to her mother. Another caregiver was the oldest child, and another was the youngest child regardless of the reason, the caregivers all felt that they coutd do the job better than anyone else. Social workers interviewed caregivers to find out why they took on the responsibility of caring for an elderly, dependent relative. They discovered three basic reasons. Many caregivers believed that they had an elderly, dependent relative. They discovered three basic reasons. Many caregivers believed that they had an obligation to help their relative. Sortie stated that helping others made them feel more useful. Others hoped that by helping someone now. They would deserve care when they became old and dependent.
Researchers have found that caring for the elderly can be a very positive experience. The elderly appreciated the care and attention they received. They were affectionate and cooperative. However, even when caregiving is satisfying, it is hard work. Social workers and experts on aging offer caregivers and potential caregivers help when arranging for the care of an elderly relative. One consideration is to ask parents what they want before they become sick or dependent. Perhaps they prefer going into a nursing home, and can select one in advance. On the other hand, they may want to live with their adult children. Caregivers must also learn to arouse confidence in others and ask for help from others. Brothers and sisters are often willing to help, but they may not know what to do
36.     Umptn 1998 rayon b no. 66
Psychologists are interested in examining caregiving
To the elderly because__________ .
A.    Their families are too busy to care for them
B.    People's life span is longer now
C.    Their condition is monitored by social workers
D.    They have, in practice, been neglected
E.    There are not enough homes for the elderly
37.     Umptn 1998 rayon b no. 67
The caregivers mentioned in the text are____________ .
A.    Psychologists
B.    Charitable people
C.    Social workers
D.    Homes for the elderly
E.    Members of the family
38.     Umptn 1998 rayon b no. 68
 caregivers are willing to take care of the elderly because of the following reasons, except           .
A.    They feel to be the best persons to look after them
B.    They expect that they won't be neglected when they grow old
C.    They are the closest relatives the elderly have
D.    They are the only relatives of the dependent elderly
E.    They are happy to be able to do something for others
39.     Umptn 1998 rayon b no. 69
Which of the following statement is true according to the text ?
A.    Caring for the elderly can be easily accomplished without much energy
B.    Social workers do not interfere with the arrangement or taking care of the elderly
C.    Caring for the elderly gives mutual satisfaction
D.    Social workers decide whether the elderly live with relatives or in a nursing home
E.    Caregivers know exactly what they want to do with the elderly
40.     Umptn 1998 rayon b no. 70
'Regardless of the reason' in line 5 means____________ .
A without any reason
B.    If the reason is not known
C.    Considering the reason
D.    Whatever the reason is
E.    To emphasize the reason s
Text 1 umptn 1998 rayon c
The fish are dying in the adirondack lakes in northern new york state. Fishermen are worried. This used to be a favorite spot for sport fishing. But every year there are fewer fish. Some lakes - 6% of them % now have no fish at all. Scientists are beginning to get worried too. What is killing the fish ?
The cause of this is acid rain. Acid rain is a kind of air pollution. It is caused by factories that burn coal or oil or gas. These factories send smoke high into the air. The wind often carries the smoke far from the factories. Some of the unhealthy things in the smoke may come down with the rain hundreds of miles away. This is what is happening in the adirondacks. There are many factories in the midwestern states. They are sending a lot of smoke into the air. The wind blows the smoke towards the east. That means towards new york state and the adirondack area.
The rain in the adirondacks is not natural and clean any more. It is full of acid chemicals. When it falls in lakes, it changes them too. The lakes become more acidic. Acid water is like vinegar or lemon juice. It hurts when it gets in your eyes. It also kills the plants and animals that usually live in lake water. That is why the fish are dying in the adirondacks.
41.     Umptn 1998 rayon c no. 66
The topic of the text is__________ .
A.    The adirondack lakes
B.    Acid rain
C.    Air pollution
D.    Fish killers
E.    Factories in the midwestern states
42.     Umptn 1998 rayon c no. 67
The dilema that the writer points out in the text is that            .
A.    Fish has become scarce in the united states
B.    There are too many factories in the midwestern states
C.    Six percent of fish in the adirondack lakes is dying
D.    The total catch of fish in the adirondack lakes is decreasing
E.    Many favorite spots fdr sport fishing have dried up
43.     Umptn 1998 rayon c no. 68
Which of the following statements is-true about acid rain ?
A.    Acid rain kills all living things in the adirondacks
B.    Acid rain causes air pollution in northern new york state
C.    Smoke emitted by factories creates poisonous acid rain
D.    Coal, oil or gas increases the level of poison in acid rain
E.    Acid rain carries a lot of smoke hundreds of miles away
44.     Umptn 1998 rayon c no. 69
The rain in the adirondacks is harmful to the environment, because .
A.    The wind that blows from the midwestem states sends a lot of smoke containing dangerous chemicals
B.    The rain comes from an area where air is badly polluted by factory wastes
C.    Air pollution caused by factories burning coal, oil or gas has been a dilema in the adirondacks
D.    Factories operating in the adirondack area send polluted smoke high in the air and come down with the rain
E.    The adirondack area is geographically located in one of the midwestern states which is a center of industry
45.     Umptn 1998 rayon c no. 70
 if water from an acidic lake gets into our eyes, it will  ...      .
A.    Be like vinegar 
B.    Cause blindness e. Hurt them
C.    Clean them
d. Be like lemon juice
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris 2 Reading text UMPTN (part 3)
30.   Dari pernyataan-pernyataan kalimat terakhir'No pill will produce normal sleep' (tidak ada pil yang sanggup membawa pada tidur normal) dan 'You reach no proper levels of sleep through pill: youYe merely sedated' (Anda tidak akan mencapai tingkat tidur yang semestinya dengan mediator pil. anda hanya damai dibuatnya), mengimplikasikan bahwa insomnia/ susah tidur memang tidak sanggup disembuhkan oleh obat (insomnia cannot be cured by drugs).
Jawaban : E
31.   Dikatakan pada tiga kalimat paragraf 2 'Although whales live in the ocean and sw im like llsh, they are not fish. They are mammals, like cows and elephants. Unlike fish, they bear young alive, not as eggs.' bahwasannya walaupun paus hidup di lautan dan berenang menyerupai layakn\a ikan tapi paus tidak tergolong ikan melainkan mamalia menyerupai halnya sapi dan gajah; berbeda dengan ikan, paus melahirkan, tidak bertelur. Jelas berarti bedanya paus dengan lazimnya ikan yaitu baluva paus merupakan mamalia yang melahirkan anak menyerupai apa yang kita tahu pada sapi dan gajah, di lain pihak ikan bertelur.
Melahirkan = bear young alive/deliver young.
Jawaban : B
32.   Wacan mengupas karakteristik paus pada paragraf pertama, perbedaannya dengan ikan dan jenis katagori pada paragraf kedua, sekelumit kehidupannya pada paragraf ketiga, dan diakhiri dengan citra kebiasaan paus pada paragraf keempat. Dapat ditarik inferensi judul untuk wacana tadi yaitu paus, si hewan besar di bumi (whales, the biggest animals on earth). Sementara pilihan iamn\a hanyalah merupakan pemerian (supporting ide*^ terhadap gagas sentral judul tadi.
Jawaban : C
33.   Pilihan (A) yang menyatakan paus umumnya memiliki pajang 95 kaki dan berat 150 ton bertentangan dengan kalimat kedua paragraf pertama they may grow 95 feet long and weigh 150 ton, paus hisa mencapai 95 kaki panjangnya dan 150 ton beratnya. Kata umumnya (generally) mempunyai pengertian rata-rata kebayakan, sementara kata hisa mencapa (may:: mempunyai pengertian suatu kemungkinan yang tidak mutlak harus dipenuhi. Pilihan (B) bertentangan dengan kalimat pertama dan kedua paragraf terakhir dimana paus hanya mempunyai sedikit musuh yaitu insan dan paus pembunuh. Pilihan (C) bertentangan dengan isu yang tersirat pada paragraf 4 bahwa paus hidup hanya di lautan (whales live in all ocean) dan tidak diceritakan paus sanggup hidup di air tawar, oleh lantaran itu tidak sanggup dikatakan paus sanggup hidup di semua jenis air (all kinds of water). Pilihan (D) bertentangan dengan kalimat terakhir paragraf terakhir bahwa paus biasanya hidup antara 20 sampai 30 tahun (they usually live from 20 to 30 years); sementara umumnya rentang hidup insan rata-rata lebih dari itu. Pilihan (E) selaras dengan dua kalimat terakhir paragraf pertama dimana paus cukup umur sanggup mencapai 95 kaki panjang dan 150 ton berat sementara bayi paus yang gres lahir sanggup mencapai 23 kaki panjang dan 3 ton berat; ini sama artinya dengan berat bayi paus satu per lima puluh dari berat paus cukup umur (3 : 150 I : 50).
Jawaban : E
34.   Lihat kalimat kedua paragraf ketiga: 'ln winter some of them go to warm water to breed ..Tujuan paus pergi mencari, air hangar di demam isu cuek yaitu untuk berkembang biak. Breed - reproduction.
35.   Satu-satunya pilihan yang selaras dengan wacana yaitu pilihan (E) bahwa maing-maisng jenis paus memakan masakan tertentu (each type of whales cats a specific kind of food) yaitu ikan bergigi (toothed whales) memakan iakan dan cumi (Fish and squid), dan paus tak bergigi (baleen whales) memakan plangton Di lain pihak pilihan A, B. C, dan D bertententangan dengan isi paparan paragraf tiga.
Jawaban : E
36.   Alasan psikolog mempelajari perawatan manula, menyerupai dinyatakan kalimat pertama paragraf pertama, yaitu sekarang orang hidup lebih usang dari sebelumnya (because today's people are living longer than ever).
Jawaban : B
37.   Lihat kalimat 'another caregiver ws the oldest child and another was the youngest child' pada paragraf pertama, yang merawat yaitu anak sulung dan anak bontot/bungsu dimana mereka yaitu anggota keluarga (members of the family).
Jawaban : E
38.   Alasan para pengasuh merawat manula terdapat pada pilihan (A), (B), (C) dan (E), ini selaras dengan paparan paragraf pertama. Sementara pilihan (D) they are the only relatives of the dependent elderly (mereka satu-satunya kerabat yang dimiliki manula tertanggung) bukan merupakan alasan untuk merawat menula.
Jawaban : D
39.   Pilihan yang sejalan dengan dongeng di atas yaitu (C) caring for elderly gives mutual satisfaction, merawat manula menawarkan saling kepuasan. Ini senada
Dengan gagasan dua kalimat terakhir paragrf pertama dan dua kalimat awal paragraf kedua, dimana para perawat merasa berguana sanggup merawat manula; di lain pihak manula merasa senang atas perhatian dan perawatan mereka.
Jawaban : C
40.   Frase 'regardless of the reason’ memiliki pengertian sama dengan ungkapan 'whatever the reason is' yang dalam bahasa indonesia berarti 'apapun alasannya.
Jawaban : D
41.   Wacana bertajuk hujan asam (acid rain) dengan pemerian imbas yang ditimbulkannya pada paragraf satu dan tiga, dan faktor penyebabnya pada paragraf dua.
Jawaban : B
42.   Hal yang diungkapkan penulis pada wacana yaitu bahwa terdapat begitu banyak pabrik di mid western states, menyerupai dinyatakan paragraf dua line empat, yang mana dengan tunjangan angin asap dari pabrik tersebut akan mengibatkan hujan asam di adirondack dan new york.
Jawaban : B
43.   Lihat kalimat 'acid rian is a kind of pollution. It is caused by factories that burn coal or oil or gas. These factories snd smoke high into the sky'. Hujan asam yang merupakan sualu polusi disebabkan oleh asap dari pembakaran kerikil bara, minyak dan gas dari pabrik. Ini berarti memang asap dari pabrik itulah penyebab hujan asam (smoke emmited by factories creates acid rain).
Jawaban : C
44.   Alasan mengapa hujan di tempat adirondack berbahaya, menyerupai dinyatakan empat kalimat terakhir paragraf dua: 'there are many factories in the midwestern /states. They are sendung a lot of smoke into the air. The wind blows the smoke towards the east. That means toward new york state and the adirondack area.’, yaitu angin yang bertiup dari midwestern states menuju adirondack mengandung asap dari pembuangan pembakaran pabrik (the wind tha tblows the midwestern states sends a lot of smoke containing dangerous chemical.
45.   Seperti dinyatakan kalimat kelima dan keenam paragraf terakhir: 'acid wter is like venegar or lemon juice. It hurts when it gets in your eyes', karena air asam sama menyerupai cuka atau jus lemon, shingga jikalau terkena mata mata kita akan sakit (hurt).
Jawaban : e

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